There is an old Episcopal joke that each congregation has members that drive past at least two other Episcopal Churches before arriving at the church they actually attend.   Whether or not this statement is true, it does reflect the reality that even churches of the same denomination, with shared theology and common worship style, each have their own “vibe”.   If you are visiting this page, you might be wondering if worshiping at St. Clare’s is a good fit for you and/or your family.  Below are testimonials from current members of St. Clare’s to give you a peek into what makes St. Clare’s special to them.   Please know that just as Jesus invited all to His table, so St. Clare’s invites all (no exceptions) to share His table with us. 


St Clare Episcopal Church is where my home is. It is a community filled with life and joy even in the midst of challenges. It is a "can do" community who looks forward to the future with optimism and eagerness to work hard.

Britney and andrew original


My family attends church at St. Clare’s because of the warm & caring people. From the pastor to all the members we always felt welcome. Now that church is online, the zoom version of church is really good. We look forward as a family to logging in & connecting with everyone. The live format instead of pre-recorded is really engaging & feels as close to regular as it can for now.


“I am so thankful to be part of such a loving, and active church community, as the one at St. Clare’s, here in the Sno Valley! When I was a newcomer to the region, they welcomed me like I was one of the family, which I definitely feel like I am now!”


St. Clare’s church services always renew my spirits. It is a joy to be a part of such a loving, supportive and generous community. And it is inspirational to see the impact of our outreach to the community.

Myra and Lisa

We are a two-mom family with four kids who moved to the Snoqualmie Valley a year ago. One of our priorities was to find a church home that would welcome all of us and allow us to worship and participate fully as our whole selves. The St. Clare's community has more than embraced our family and has encouraged us to participate and be involved. When St. Clare's says "All Are Welcome," they mean it..


An unexpected personal event led me to find St Clare’s. That was the blessing in my tragedy. Rev Patty welcomed me with open arms and the congregation followed. I love that we have a small community feel with traditional values and open hearts. I've always enjoyed serving my community and here I find it easy to help make an impact. I love that my kids can participate in giving through church with me. St Clare’s is a place to feel welcomed, supported and loved by a big-hearted, kind and caring group of families.


"The Church is the only institution that exists primarily for the benefit of those who are not its members.”– St. Clare’s is truly a place where this statement is alive and well. There is nothing fancy about our buildings. Instead of purchasing beautiful decorations for the church, we send money to victims of natural disasters. Instead of beautiful landscaping, we have vegetable gardens for the food bank. When we had to close the worship space to in-person worship during the pandemic, we filled the sanctuary with sundries supplies for the food bank. We build community doing things like joining to knit comforting shawls and lapghans for people who are suffering. We make meals for the homeless shelter. “It is in giving that we receive.” St Francis of Assisi.