Worship at St. Clare's

Worshiping at St. Clare's

What’s it like to worship at St. Clare’s?

People often say it is relaxed, but reverent. We gather, we sing, we listen, we pray, and we share in a holy meal. When we’re done, we go out into the world to do the work God has given us to do.

We celebrate Holy Communion almost every Sunday and all are welcome at the table. While it is generally understood that a person be baptized in order to receive the bread and wine, we do not check credentials at the door. This may be the very meal you have hungered for all your life! If that’s the case, please know you are welcome.  For those who wish to worship from home, we offer a zoom link so that you can participate simultaneously with the in-person congregation.  The Zoom link is updated on our home page. 

On the second Sunday of the month we offer healing prayers with anointing. And on the last Sunday of each month we all worship in a multi-generational style that teaches us that all of us together are the body of Christ.

Occasionally instead of hearing a sermon, we explore the Gospel by engaging in acts of service to the greater community. We have prepared meals for our local Winter Shelter and Food Bank’s Soup Kitchen, made hanging flower baskets for our neighbors, and assembled Blessing Bags for our homeless neighbors and school backpacks for Snoqualmie Valley students in need.

As an Episcopal Church, we are known by our liturgy or our style of worship. We stand up, we sit down, and we come forward to the altar because the bodies God gave us are meant to move as we worship. We follow a set of readings that take us through almost all the scriptures in a three-year cycle. We also laugh and sometimes weep, knowing God shares in our joys and our sorrows. Our worship takes us through the Christian year seasonally beginning with Advent and moving on to Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, and the season of Ordinary Time.

To Learn More about what we believe as Episcopalians and how we live out our faith in the world,  check out our What We Believe Page. 

Worship Leaders: In-Person and on Zoom

We have opportunities for people to lead readings and prayers (eithr on Zoom or in- person) as well as serve in-person.  If you would like to participate in this way and are not already on the list, please email us at: admin@stclareschurch.org 

Would you like to make our communion bread?

To be part of the bread baking team, sign-up here:   Bread Baking

Email us at admin@stclareschurch.org to get the recipe.

Enhance your Worship At Home

Below is a  list of links of on-line resources to help you structure your daily practice.

Episcopal Book of Common Prayer:  Downloadable PDF of the Book of Common Prayer: https://episcopalchurch.org/book-common-prayer

Lectionary on Line: Specific readings for specific days.  Included is a link to the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) Daily Readings.  There are links here to sermons and Bible Study Tools: https://www.lectionarypage.net/

St. Marks Live Stream ( Eucharist and archives including Evensong service) The videos are in arrears.  Videos showing people in the congregation were filmed prior to the temporary closure of our churches.   https://saintmarks.org/worship/live-stream/

Compline Choir at St. Mark’s Cathedral: This is an explanation of what this beautiful service is along with the service itself.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ2HQagOGkA  If you go onto You Tube and search for Episcopal Compline, you can find several recordings from all of the world.

The Episcopal Church and Racial Reconciliation: https://episcopalchurch.org/racial-reconciliation  

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry: Concerning Covid-19: https://episcopalchurch.org/concerning-covid19

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry: Habits of Grace:  As we learn how to adjust our lives given the reality of the coronavirus and the request to do our part to slow its spread by practicing social distancing, I invite you to join me each week to take a moment to cultivate a ‘habit of grace.’ A new meditation will be posted on Mondays through May   https://episcopalchurch.org/habits-of-grace?bbeml=tp-kZu-uZr-i0SdHnj_R20rnA.j-CspRqzctEi0QSRAcDHMSA.rnTKEe0xHpUa3rA8McVhw8A.lvGRJP1oU_0iA475w8wOgPQ

Website for the National Cathedral in Washington, DC https://cathedral.org/